Tuesday, 20 December 2016



It’s solstice week and the end of the year approaches. As Mars moves into spiritual Pisces and Mercury turns retrograde, it’s a period of hibernation and reflection. Hidden agendas or secret scandals may dominate the news, but on a personal level it’s time to cherish loved ones and to hold them close.

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Whatever your faith – or none – spend time embracing the underlying values of the holiday season. Take every opportunity to show kindness and tolerance, and set an example for those around you who find equality harder to bear.


Give your packed social calendar a purpose. It’s a great time for partying and networking with people who share your humanitarian or charitable goals. You can have a lot of fun this week, but you can also make a difference. Win-win!


Mars brings you fresh drive and energy in your career or business, but you may struggle to get much done so close to the holidays. Focus on ideas and planning instead, so that you can hit the ground running later.


If you’re traveling for the holidays, check your travel arrangements carefully, and allow plenty of time for unpredictable events. An exotic edge to your festivities might embrace the customs and culture of a different country entirely – what fun!


It’s so easy to judge others, but why would you? Live and let live during this most festive of weeks. Don’t hold people to standards which you yourself would struggle to reach. It’s about building each other up, not tearing each other down.


Mars lights up your love zone, making this the perfect week for a wedding or an engagement. Re-affirm your shared future with your partner, and work to put niggles and discord behind you. Strengthen your “team” and show how much you care.


You’re crazy busy getting ready for the holidays, but is it supposed to be this much work? If you’re not careful, you’ll miss out on actually participating in any of the seasonal cheer, instead of organizing it. Your loved ones want your company.


Get creative with your festive cheer. Make decorations with the kids, handcraft some gifts or write some seasonal poems or music. Let your imagination run wild and conjure up some magical experiences for you and yours.


Carrying out family traditions is important to you at this time of year, but you may be very upset if one family member doesn’t co-operate, turn up or agree. Try to be a little more flexible. Why not create some new traditions which everyone will love?


This hugely busy week finds you rushing from one errand to a party, back to another errand, another party, another family get-together. It’s crazy. You’ll exhaust yourself. Remember to leave some time just to chill out and to enjoy the season.


Keep a tight hold on the purse strings, as Mars encourages you to spend wildly as the festivities approach. Spent your time and your skills rather than your money. Give the gift of your company or your expertise. The most valuable gifts have no price tag.


Your competitive streak comes out to play and you’ll want to have the best decorated home, the best attended party, the best designer seasonal outfit – but why? Forget what everyone is doing and just concentrate on your own family and your own joy.

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