Saturday, 31 December 2016


It’s almost 2017 and I bet that has you thinking about all the things you’d like to change or accomplish next year. Maybe you have even started thinking about some resolutions you want to make.
freedomWhat is it you are thinking you might change?
  • Is it finally time to lose those last ten pounds?
  • Is it finally time to leave that job that devalues you?
  • Is it finally time to get your finances in order?
  • Is it finally time to meditate daily or ramp up your spiritual practice?
  • Is it finally time to exercise more?
In case you are wondering, that list above comes from my own resolutions made over and over again. I use the word ‘finally’ because New Year’s resolutions are sort of like those promises you make to yourself when you go to bed each night.
  • “Tomorrow” I’ll get up early and meditate.
  • “Tomorrow” I’ll eat a healthy breakfast.
  • “Tomorrow” I’ll go in and ask for a raise.
  • “Tomorrow” I’ll change my spending habits.
  • “Tomorrow” I’ll exercise first thing.
A few years ago I had the stunning revelation that “tomorrow” is ALWAYS tomorrow.
Now that may not seem stunning to you but it stopped me cold. I got it. Finally I got it!
I heard little Yoda’s voice in my head saying ‘There is no TRY, only DO or not DO.”

So I stopped making New Year’s resolutions and instead started thinking about my life along certain themes. I became so enamored of this idea that I did away with resolutions entirely and focused instead on a theme that would carry me through each New Year. My first theme was ‘simplifying my life’ and in the years I worked with that theme I moved twice, each time letting go of a lot of material goods I no longer needed or wanted.
But getting rid of furniture, clothing and knick-knacks was not the real benefit of working on my theme. I also made some important changes in my work relationships and activities. So I found myself letting go of relationships that weren’t fulfilling (not easy!) and refocused my work around a few key areas instead of trying to do everything that floated into my busy brain.
As a writer filled with the impulse to create I struggle with staying with one project at a time long enough to get something finished. So that theme was all about completion for me and I carried that theme with me in all areas of my life finally getting books into publishing, getting my website in the hands of developers for a redo and also completing some aspects of my legal business structure that I had put off for a while.
I also discovered that my themes tend to span years and bring lots of opportunities for growth and the empowerment of choice.  And the old themes stay with me even as I choose a new theme for the New Year. So I continue to simplify as I go and also keep the lessons in completing what I am working on before moving on to the next great idea.
That theme proved to be a real challenge and brought me lots of opportunities for growth as I stepped into my life in all areas as ‘enough.’  Over time I found I became more confident and more at peace with all aspects of my life and definitely no longer someone willing to allow other people’s expectations to define me but it is still very much a theme in progress.
That theme led directly to my next theme which was ‘self-love – body, mind, spirit.’ So what did a theme of ‘self-love’ do for me?
So glad you asked!!!
With that theme in my head and heart, I released 40 excess pounds and got healthier on many levels. I focused on self-forgiveness and released a lot of unresolved emotion around past events.
This year I will work to align my thoughts, emotions and actions with presence.  For me, and maybe for you, it is so easy to get stuck in the mind ruminating over mistakes, poor choices and missed opportunities. Even though I know the past is over and done, it creeps into my present and affects my actions and choices.
But not any more!
I like to create mantras and affirmations around my theme for the year and this one snaps me into presence like no other. Just like all my other themes, my new focus will bring many challenges as I release long-standing patterns of procrastination, prioritizing others’ needs before my own or holding back from fears that originated in past events. I know my theme will continue to change my life in ways large and small.
I invite you to join me in working with Themes rather than resolutions this year and begin your process of first envisioning the life you want and then choosing a theme that will support your most cherished dreams.
To help you I have created an e-workbook called Themes and Dreams that explains the process and includes worksheets for you to use to create your own theme(s) for 2017.
You’ll realize as you work with themes that you are working with the Law of Attraction at the highest level – one of awareness, commitment and with focused energy.
Imagine what can happen!!!
Just click here to get my free e-book – it is my New Year’s Gift for you!
Wishing you a New Year filled with love, light and peace.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Hey Everyone! Happy Solstice season!
On December 21st, in the Northern Hemisphere, we experience the Winter Solstice-the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
Darkness reaches its peak, and from this point the days will gradually become longer.
Also, the Sun enters Capricorn at this time, and this is the symbol of the mountain goat initiating its climb up the mountain, paralleling the Sun’s slow ascent.

And to me, this is truly when we start our new year. So what are some ways that we can celebrate and honour this special time?
Here are some of my tips!


Frankincense has one of the highest vibrating scents- and it is my personal favourite! It also corresponds to the Sun and the Divine Masculine.
You can also burn frankincense with myrrh. Frankincense and myrrh have always gone hand in hand. Myrrh is also a sacred healing resin, and carries the energy of the Moon and the Divine Feminine.
In the story of Jesus’s birth, it is said that he was visited by three magi bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold. The gold represented the wealth that comes from the union of the King and Queen, aka the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
Burn this incense to bring sacredness, well-being and prosperity to you and your home.



I made this recipe last year, and it was delicious!

solstice cookiesVegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Orange Rosemary and Cranberries

  • 2 cups (250 grams) spelt flour (or flour of choice)
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
  • 1 1/4 cups dark chocolate chips (chocolate with 60 percent cocoa content or higher)
  • 1/2 cup (100 grams) sugar or crystallized coconut blossom nectar
  • 1/2 cup (110 grams) packed light or dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon safflower oil (or grapeseed or any other neutral oil)
  • 1/4cup plus 1 tablespoon water
  • Coarse-grained sea salt or flaky sea salt for garnish
  • 1/2 to 1 1/2 tablespoon coarsely chopped rosemary
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • About 8 drops pure orange essential oil
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. Add the chocolate chips, rosemary and cranberries to the flour mixture and toss to coat.
  2. In a separate large bowl, whisk the sugars briskly with the oil and water until smooth and mixed, about 2 minutes. Note: Use fresh, soft light brown sugar. If there are clumps, break them up with the back of a spoon or your hand before whisking.
  3. Add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture, and then stir with a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula until just combined and no flour is visible. Add in orange essential oil. Do not overmix.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes. Do not skip this step.
  5. Preheat the oven to 350° F. Line two rimmed sheet pans with parchment paper. Remove dough from the refrigerator and use an ice cream scoop or a spoon to portion dough into 2-inch mounds.
  6. Sprinkle the balls of dough with coarse-grained sea salt, and bake for about 12 minutes, or until the edges are just golden. Do not overbake.
  7. Let cool completely before serving.

Mercury went retrograde in 15 degrees Capricorn on the 19th of this month, and will be in this position until the 8th of January.
That means you still have plenty of time to revise and reassess your plans for the new year. Even into the beginning of January, it is not the time to make big actions just yet.
housesYou can ask yourself:
  • What did not work for me in 2016?
  • What would be good to release? (This could be beliefs that are not serving you, situations/relationships, habits, old emotions, etc.)
  • Which plans are in line with my heart and higher purpose for 2017? Which ones shall I discard or revise?
Side Note: These plans could be career oriented (since Capricorn is the sign of career and finances), but you could look at which house 15 degrees of Capricorn is in on your personal birth chart, to see what part of your life could be reviewed.
Here is a map of the astrological houses, and with just some of their many themes.
And if you’re living in the Southern Hemisphere, happy Summer Solstice! We wouldn’t want to forget you so head here for your dedicated Summer Solstice blog post :)
Sending much love to you all.
Happy new year!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016



It’s solstice week and the end of the year approaches. As Mars moves into spiritual Pisces and Mercury turns retrograde, it’s a period of hibernation and reflection. Hidden agendas or secret scandals may dominate the news, but on a personal level it’s time to cherish loved ones and to hold them close.

aries bigARIES

Whatever your faith – or none – spend time embracing the underlying values of the holiday season. Take every opportunity to show kindness and tolerance, and set an example for those around you who find equality harder to bear.


Give your packed social calendar a purpose. It’s a great time for partying and networking with people who share your humanitarian or charitable goals. You can have a lot of fun this week, but you can also make a difference. Win-win!


Mars brings you fresh drive and energy in your career or business, but you may struggle to get much done so close to the holidays. Focus on ideas and planning instead, so that you can hit the ground running later.


If you’re traveling for the holidays, check your travel arrangements carefully, and allow plenty of time for unpredictable events. An exotic edge to your festivities might embrace the customs and culture of a different country entirely – what fun!


It’s so easy to judge others, but why would you? Live and let live during this most festive of weeks. Don’t hold people to standards which you yourself would struggle to reach. It’s about building each other up, not tearing each other down.


Mars lights up your love zone, making this the perfect week for a wedding or an engagement. Re-affirm your shared future with your partner, and work to put niggles and discord behind you. Strengthen your “team” and show how much you care.


You’re crazy busy getting ready for the holidays, but is it supposed to be this much work? If you’re not careful, you’ll miss out on actually participating in any of the seasonal cheer, instead of organizing it. Your loved ones want your company.


Get creative with your festive cheer. Make decorations with the kids, handcraft some gifts or write some seasonal poems or music. Let your imagination run wild and conjure up some magical experiences for you and yours.


Carrying out family traditions is important to you at this time of year, but you may be very upset if one family member doesn’t co-operate, turn up or agree. Try to be a little more flexible. Why not create some new traditions which everyone will love?


This hugely busy week finds you rushing from one errand to a party, back to another errand, another party, another family get-together. It’s crazy. You’ll exhaust yourself. Remember to leave some time just to chill out and to enjoy the season.


Keep a tight hold on the purse strings, as Mars encourages you to spend wildly as the festivities approach. Spent your time and your skills rather than your money. Give the gift of your company or your expertise. The most valuable gifts have no price tag.


Your competitive streak comes out to play and you’ll want to have the best decorated home, the best attended party, the best designer seasonal outfit – but why? Forget what everyone is doing and just concentrate on your own family and your own joy.


A standout amongst the most widely recognized inquiries we get from individuals everywhere throughout the world is "How does my moniker/wedded name/name change influence my numerology?"

Odds are you have an epithet, or possibly you wedded and changed your last name or hyphenated it. Alternately for some of you, you went all the way and changed your whole lawful name. It happens, it's regular, and yes, this most certainly affects your own numerology.

When you do a Soul Urge or Expression estimation, regardless you'll require your original name (the name imprinted on your introduction to the world authentication). Be that as it may, this doesn't imply that your moniker or new name has no impact on you.

Whether you have an adorable epithet that is screwed over thanks to you for a considerable length of time or you've changed your name for the stage and screen, there's still a vitality exchange that happens.

Consider it. Each time somebody calls your name, you record it, round out a shape, or send an email, you're relating to this name. Fundamentally, you're putting out an unobtrusive impression of yourself and drawing in comparative vitality through your picked name.

Presently you may think, "Well, which name should I use to compute my numerology?" And the answer is every one of them!

By figuring the greater part of your most natural names, you can increase assist clarity to your life's motivation and how you convey what needs be. For instance, your original name will uncover your general fate and your identity, though your moniker will speak to how you see yourself and how others see you. Generally, your most regular name or moniker is your initial introduction when meeting somebody. By and large, when you say, "Greetings, I'm … " you're telling the individual intuitively your identity as a man.

The name you utilize the most uncovers a great deal about you and what you're speaking with others. For instance, your regular name may uncover: 
        how you need to present yourself 
        what you're alright with communicating and sharing 
        how you interface, collaborate, and speak with others 
        your general state of mind and vibe in a social setting

Because you pass by a moniker or a more regular name, that doesn't mean your original name is not vital. Your original name uncovers: 
your inward yearnings and genuine predetermination 
your more covered up and cryptic side (a side you may not demonstrate many individuals unless you're close with them) 
what you truly like and aversion
your inborn gifts and capacities

You might find that you have more than just a birth name and a common name. For many people, they might have a “business name”. Look at your emails and letters. What do you sign off with? Do you sign off with your full name? Your nick name? Or a different name? For added clarity, you can calculate the numerology behind this name to reveal what impression it gives to receivers.


Now that you know the difference between your nickname, common name, and birth name it’s time to calculate the numerology for them. It’s simple. Just write out your name, and assign each letter a numerical value (we’re using the Pythagorean system here).
After you’ve figured out all the numerical values for each letter, add up all the digits. Continue adding the digits, until you’re left with one number (or a master number: 11, 22, 33…).

Saturday, 17 December 2016

The Karmic Number Numerology

Get Your Exclusive Video Numerology Report

The most accurate Numerology Calculator uses Birthday Date along with your Name to finely calculate all possibilities of numerology calculations which give the most correct predictions about you for FREE.

NO  MORE reading of text numerology predictions.

Know Your Karmic Debt Number Numerology Predictions. Get Detailed & Most Accurate  Numerology Predictions.

What Is The Secret of The Karmic Debt Number in Numerology?

The numbers that hold a mystical secret information and also signify the Karmic Debt are 13,14,16 and 19. These numbers take on a great significance when they are found in the core numerology life numbers, for example, the number of your birth day date, your life path number, destiny number, compatibility number and personality numbers). These numbers are also known as the ‘warning numbers’ as they might help you discover the various kind of materialistic, emotional debts in life.
A true numerologist will never reduce these numbers to a single digit as these carry the most important and hidden information which is closely related to your path of life. If these numbers are reduced to a single digit and acted-upon they might get a way different results which can be good or might be real bad. You would never want to follow anyone who suggests you to manipulate the solution of fixing your karmic debt number numerology by reducing them to single digit.
Another interesting fact about the karmic numbers in numerology (13, 14, 16 and 19) is that their effect is not the same or based on a standard. Each karmic number will have a different effect if found in different outcomes like: Destiny NumberHouse NumberBusiness NumberCompatibility NumberLife-path Number etc. Getting any of the Karmic number in each / any of these types will have a separate meaning, information and effect. So you should not get confused while finding or studying the science of karmic debt numbers in numerology.

Let go off all the time & efforts. Get straight to the results.

What you get after you use this FREE Numerology Calculator –

1. An Exclusive FREE Numerology Name & Birth Day Date Predictions and more…
2. An additional printable copy of your numerology readings / predictions that you watch in your video report

Friday, 16 December 2016

The Master Numbers

Get Your Exclusive Video Numerology Report

The most accurate Numerology Calculator uses Birthday Date along with your Name to finely calculate all possibilities of numerology calculations which give the most correct predictions about you for FREE.

NO  MORE reading of text numerology predictions.

Know InDepth Name & Birthday Date Numerology Predictions. Get Detailed & Most Accurate Numerology Predictions.

Truth About The Master Numbers in Numerology

Although there are Only 3 Master Numbers in Numerology – 11, 22 and 33, but some people consider multiples of 11 to be the Master Number series. However, to find the true meanings and know about the truth of master numbers in numerology, only these 3 numbers should be considered as master numbers. For every positive and assuring statement there has to be a  reason, and the fact that the root of each of these numbers make them The Master Number. Due to the reason that they possess more potential and are found to be highly charged, at times they also can be difficult to handle and require time, patience, maturity and inner soul peace to integrate into one’s personality and deliver their true meanings in a persons life.
These 3 Master Numbers also form a triangle to enlightenment simply as they mean vision, action and leadership / guidance to the world around the people who carry them in their numerology chart.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

5 Daily Routine Habits which Effect Your Sleep

Get Your Exclusive Video Numerology Report

The most accurate Numerology Calculator uses Birthday Date along with your Name to finely calculate all possibilities of numerology calculations which give the most correct predictions about you for FREE.

NO  MORE reading of text numerology predictions.

Know InDepth House Number Numerology. Detailed & Most Accurate Numerology Predictions.

Knowing about house number can be of real importance when you trust in numerology. On one side where its very simple to find out your house number using your apartment number, building/house number, street number etc, it sometime can come out to be real scary if your house number adds-up to or reduces to any of the karmic debt numbers. So when your house number calculates to give any of 13, 14, 16 or 19, just stop & think about it twice if you plan to move to this new house.
However, if you are already living in such a house where your house number numerology calculations give any of these karmic debt number, you don’t have to panic or get worried of moving out instantly. There are a few ways to fix the numerology numbers that you can not change instantly or some that you can not change at all.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Which one is best plate farm to get numerology report

Every person want to get there numerology report. For this he try his best but sometime get and sometime fail. Because there are so many plate farm to get numerology but which one is best, that is big question. Many people were misguide you for their profit. but they don't tell you exact numerology report. Due their scam and by analysing the people we find its solution.

Best plate farm to get free numerology report.

Free Numerology Calculator is the plate farm which provide the free numerology report. This is the totally free. and one of the best plate farm. Expert are here to helps the people. 

How to get free numerology report

when you open this site it ask you for you email address, Date of birth and your name. When you fill the data it show like that 

Fill your data in to box and click on button of Get my free report now.
When you click on this button it show  your free exclusive video of you numerology report it look like as follows

When you watch this video completely it will ask you for your full name as in image

Select your gender and fill your full name and click on continue with my free reading.
And in the end of video it will ask you for your email add to send your full report on your email address on daily bases. When you fill your email address  they will send you your full report on your email address by email.