This week builds in tension towards an annual showdown between the Sun and Uranus. Expect the unexpected, as these vibes tend to erupt into sudden drama, paradigm shifts and events which can quickly spiral out of control. Stay calm.
It’s OK to change your mind! You’ll feel a sudden urge to do things differently this week, and that’s just fine. Whether you’re changing your hairstyle or re-imagining your whole career, you’ve got this.
Something simple and relatively innocent opens up the floodgates this week, as it reminds you of something buried deep in your past. Allow the tears to flow, as this can be a healing and therapeutic moment for you.
Try not to overdo the drama in your social life. It's possible that there will be fallings out with friends or colleagues this week, but is there really any need to escalate the situation so badly? Seek reconciliation, not war.
With increasing pressure on your work-home/family balance this week, things may reach boiling point when you are forced to make a difficult choice. Listen to your heart, not your head - your heart doesn't lie.
Travel plans are fair game for this week's cosmic disruption, but watch out for where study or education plans have to be changed too. It's irritating for you, but the chances are good that this will eventually work in your favor.
Financial shocks set you on the back foot, but this is nothing you can't handle if you remain calm and seek expert advice. Don't allow money worries to affect your self-esteem. You are more than your bank account!
Romance doesn't go as planned this week, with either some lovely surprises or some less welcome shocks. Be sure you have time to think before making any major decisions. You may not yet have all the facts you need.
Emotional tension can be eased this week through sports, exercise, fresh air or all three. If you're feeling out of sorts, head into the great outdoors, no matter what the weather. Nature calms you and restores your faith.
Teamwork suffers if you're not willing to be a cog in the wheel. Your desire for independence and freedom could harm group objectives - check your selfishness at the door and see the bigger picture.
Don't be afraid to innovate at work. Just because nobody else has thought of your bright ideas doesn't mean it won't be possible - it just means that you're ahead of the game and leading!
Sudden breakthroughs in understanding are likely this week, which is great news if you're studying or undertaking training. Once you realize how capable you really are, you'll start to shine more and more.
You're not a jealous sign normally but this week's energies bring out this side of your personality. You'll hate it if a partner or family member seems to prefer someone else's company - but how much of this are you imagining?
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