The big astrological news this week is the arrival of the Sun in mystical, creative Pisces. This casts a somewhat rosy glow over many of us, but beware of being lulled into a false sense of security. Avoiding reality is all too easy now, but it’s important to face up to uncomfortable facts.
There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. Don’t be afraid to be on your own for a while now, so that you can rest and recharge. You are very loved, and you have nothing to fear from a bit of “me time”.
Socially, you’re rushed off your feet. You may have taken on too many commitments, between work, hobbies, personal interests and family gatherings. If you must miss some events, be sure to prioritize carefully.
Think about going for a promotion at work, or even for another job altogether. A chance encounter may change your mind about where you’re heading, so be open to new possibilities. As new talents start to emerge, you may surprise yourself!
Is there a book in you? This is a terrific week to think about sharing your knowledge, especially in published form, or online in a blog. Getting your experiences and expertise down in writing will be both empowering and lucrative.
Don’t stress out about dark or macabre thoughts – we all have a shadow side. Surround yourself with loved ones to lift your spirits, and be kind to yourself if you feel a little run down or depressed this week.
Listen to what your partner is actually saying, as opposed to what you think they’re saying. Probably not the same thing. Being fully present and alert in your relationship now will help to avoid trouble further down the line.
Small steps towards a healthier lifestyle are encouraged now. Take it gently, and make changes you can stick to. If you try to change too much at once, you’ll become disheartened and disillusioned. Gradual improvements are the way to go.
A playful vibe this week is perfect for a vacation, or for enjoying your favorite hobbies. Children will bring you a lot of joy, even if they’re not your own. Think about nurturing your own inner child. Do more of what makes you smile.
Nostalgia sends you running for photo albums or memory boxes, and there’s a bittersweet element to many memories. Although you are drawn to the past this week, keep your face to the future and stay positive.
If your job involves a public facing role, you’ll start to truly shine. If it doesn’t, think about using your people skills to bring in some extra income. You are excellent at both persuasion and motivation, and it would be a shame to waste that.
Major appliances and expensive gadgets may need repairing or replacing, leaving a large hole in your finances. Friends or family may step in with a loan, but be very careful about mixing money with love or friendship.
The Sun’s arrival in your sign brings you a huge confidence boost, and it also brings your dreams one step closer to reality. Adopt a can-do approach to life this week and see how much progress you can make. Say yes a lot more than you say no.