Monday, 30 January 2017

Numerology For Lucky Business Name

The easiest and the earliest methods of fortune telling to be used till date is Numerology. Of all the metaphysical/ the esoteric subjects namely - astrology, palmistry, tarot, crystal gazing and the like, the subject of Numerology is accessed by most of the people. The study of Numerology is as old as the ancient history, and various systems of this study have evolved in different countries from times immemorial. Numerology is the studyof occult with numbers.

"What is in a name?" - asked William Shakespeare. The answer is - there is lot in a name itself. The Business Name - reveals a lot. Business name or Company name is the tag by which it is recognized. It is the name which conveys the message to the consumers the typeof business a particular organization is doing. It reveals the nature of the product dealt with and more importantly, if the right business name along with its right image is forecast, then success is inevitable!

According to the concept of Numerology predictions each number rules the human nature and displays the effect. Numerology deals with numbers from 1 to 9. All the numbers have a certaingeometry. Numbers relate to a pattern of energies and vibrations. The bad, good and the information about previous birth and the effects of the previous birth in the present birth besides every personalitytrait of a human being can be highlighted. In some cases there are certain names and date of births the sum total of which are two digit numbers. In such cases, these numerologynumbers are reduced to display a single digit number by adding the digits together. The sum of the numbers thus obtained from the birth date and the name provides an interrelation of vibrations. The prosperity of your business also depends on the address numerology analysis.

Every experience is a knowledge for us and therefore useful in everyday life. We have seen that for thousands of years this subject has been practiced in all the countries. Even thought we may strive hard, success ifs achieved only when the time isright. Even scientists have sought valuable tips from scholars of this subject. Numerologically, each number is assigned to a certain set of alphabet. They are as follows

No alphabet has been assigned to # 9.

Number 1 - ambitious, talented, the leader and extrovert are the keywords.

Number 2 - sensitive, emotional, domestic and flexible describes the letters associated with this number the best.

Number 3 - loyal, trustworthy, the investigator and the seeker are the appropriate keywords.

Number 4 - A psychic business, metaphysics or the occult will prove to be successful venture.

Number 5 - researching and reading on different topics and subjects are the keywords describing the letters under this very number.

Number 6 - Gentle, sociable and pleasant personality are the characteristics of this number.

Number 7 - profession related to psychiatrists or any type of occult business is bound to flourish.

Number 8 - pessimistic in nature and success will be there which involves money.

Try the free numerology calculators and get instant reports and numerological readings.

Saturday, 28 January 2017


Have you ever tried to “manifest” something using the law of attraction, but still didn’t get what you wanted?
When it comes to achieving things, the human mind loves practical steps to follow. It’s a very enticing concept — that there could be “rules” or steps to obtain something, and if you just do what the rules say, you’ll have it.
But what if you go through the motions and do all the steps — based on how authors and spiritual teachers say the universe works — and nothing happens? What if you don’t get the relationship, money, or outcome you desire?
Does it mean the books are wrong? Does it mean the teachers are wrong?
No. My sense is that there’s something we still don’t understand about how life works, and maybe we’re not supposed to. If you could get anything your mind decided it wanted by plugging in a formula, you might have a very different life from the one you came here to experience.
Maybe it’s not your destiny to have the relationship, career, or the money and lifestyle you think that you want. Maybe the point of your life is much, much bigger than any of those things — and in this moment you may not know what the point of your life is.
Part of the reason human beings suffer is because we’ve decided that knowing is better than not knowing. We’ve decided that having a relationship is better than not having one. Getting the promotion is better than not getting it. Being healthy is better than being sick. And so whenever something happens that we don’t like, we want a book of steps to follow so we can create some “better” outcome.
It knows there is no “better than” over there. There is just what is as it’s happening over here. So, how do you find happiness in a world where you can’t control outcomes?
You can start by accepting what’s happening — without forcing yourself to like it. Acceptance is letting go — not out of sad resignation, but out of love for yourself. It’s acknowledging the truth of what’s happening now, without deciding that it’s wrong.
I know it’s hard when you don’t get something you really want. I know it’s hard. There are lots of things I thought I really wanted and didn’t get — in spite of applying the law of attraction, affirmations, and positive thinking.
As time went by, I realized that if I had been given the job I wanted and fought for, I would never have been motivated to start my business. If I hadn’t had a lifetime of digestive issues, I wouldn’t be as connected to my body (and therefore my intuition) as I am today. I used to hate my extreme sensitivity — and now it’s the most valuable tool I have.
What happened instead? Are you more capable, grounded, and open because of what really took place? Start looking for the signs of positive growth that have arisen out of the disappointments.
Your soul knows so much more than your mind. If you can get in the habit of trusting what’s happening instead of arguing with life, your journey will not seem so full of struggle.
You haven’t failed because you didn’t get something you wanted. You haven’t done life wrong, or messed up the rules. There are no rules, really, just illusions of rules made up by the human mind. And who you are transcends all of that.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Discover Your Karmic Debt Number Using Numerology

May believe that karmic debt is a accumulation of all the ‘bad’ things that you have done in previous lifetimes and that you have been sent to earth in this lifetime to clear or restore your karmic balance.
Karmic debt however really does not work like that. Karma is simply ’cause and effect’ and dictates the energy you set in forward motion every time you have a thought or take an action.
Your karmic debt is more about your life lessons and what your soul needs to do in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness.
While your karmic debt is inherited from past lives and exists on a soul level, it is not really about all the ‘bad’ things you have done. It is more about the actions you have taken and where those actions have led you.
In the spirit world there is no such thing as good or bad, it is all relative and up to you on how you choose to live your life and perceive certain events.
In Numerology, everyone is given a Karmic Debt Number which can reveal what lessons or karma your soul has come here to realize. This number is determined by the name that was given to you at birth.
To discover your Karmic Debt Number all you need to do is add up the letters of your full, birth name using the table below.
karmic debt number
So for example, say if your full birth name is PAUL LEE SMITH, you would add:
You would then reduce this down to a single digit number, so-
Note: the only time you would not reduce the numbers to single digits is if you got an 11 or 22 as these are known as Master Numbers.
In the above example, Paul would have a Karmic Debt number of 6.
Discover What Your Karmic Debt Number Means:
Number 1
In previous lifetimes the calling of your soul was never nurtured. You always put others before yourself and spent most of your time worried or concerned about others. You perhaps neglected to really love yourself and had low self-esteem or a poor sense of self-worth. In this lifetime you have come back to really learn that you are important and that being happy, nurtured and loved within yourself is the true way to give and serve others. Perhaps life will present to you many challenges that will force you to stand up for yourself and discover who you truly are.
Number 2
In previous lifetimes you valued material items and the world of the physical more than your own intuition or emotions. You fell into the trap of following your ego and neglected your spiritual or the creative calling of your soul. In this lifetime you have come back to enjoy the other side of life- joy, creativity and pleasure. You have come back to release the burdens of the material world and instead look for satisfaction and purpose in what you do. Perhaps life will present many situations for you where you are forced to look beyond the external and into the internal. Perhaps you will feel guided to really follow your passions and trust that small voice within.
Number 3
In previous lifetimes you never felt comfortable or secure in being able to express yourself or stand up for what it is that your truly believe. You may have felt oppressed or that you were not able to authentically live your truth. Perhaps you were also stopped from communicating a message or a truth. In this lifetime you have come back to learn how to raise your voice and your confidence in expressing yourself. You have also been sent back to communicate an important message to the world that your soul has been holding on to.
Number 4 
In previous lifetimes your home and family life was not a place where you felt comfortable or secure. Being able to experience the peace and comfort that comes from being in a nice home and surrounded with a nice family is something that you never got to experience or that you took for granted. In this lifetime, you have been sent to learn the value of family and home and how important it is to create a secure and peaceful environment to flourish in. You have also come to learn the importance of supporting and loving those around you. Perhaps in this lifetime, you may be presented with many opportunities to mend family relationships and provide a stable and secure environment for your loved ones.
Number 5
In previous lifetimes you craved physical and emotional attention to the point where you became attached, needy and greedy. It is likely that you used your charm to get your way, even if it wasn’t in the best interest of those around you. Perhaps you also had an affair or manipulated others to get your way. In this lifetime you have come back to learn how to respect others and treat them fairly, as well as how to create and respect healthy boundaries in relationships. You have also come to learn how to express your truth without the need for manipulation or artificial sentiments.
Number 6
In previous lifetimes you neglected your health or perhaps suffered from a debilitating disease. Perhaps you also found it difficult to manage your time between work, rest and play. This was likely due to the fact that you were not able to express your emotions or you had a poor grasp on your emotional wellbeing. In this lifetime you have been sent to help nurture and heal your emotions and to understand that your emotions play an important role in your physical health. Life may send you many challenges and opportunities to make your health a priority so you can begin nurturing and providing your body with the right care. Healthy eating, exercise and mediation is definitely necessary for this karmic number.
Number 7
In previous lifetimes you made many decisions based on your own needs and struggled to have compassion and empathy for how those decisions effected others. Perhaps you were unable to sympathise with others and felt very strongly that life was a struggle or competition. In this lifetime you have come to experience the joy and the flow of life, and you may even feel called to be of service to other people. Your lessons in this life are really about learning to walk in other people’s shoes and to be compassionate towards those around you. It is also to learn how to make decisions that are in your highest good, rather than from a place of competition or the need to get ahead.
Number 8
In previous lifetimes you failed to live life to it’s fullest and struggled with taking responsibility for your actions. Perhaps you were always finding ways to avoid looking at the truth or the reality of your life and instead your relied on others to pick up the pieces of your life. You may have also has issues with addiction or you failed to get your life moving in a direction that really supported the growth of your soul. In this lifetime you have returned to learn how to take full responsibility for your life and the direction of your soul. You are also here to learn how to look at the truth of your life and to get to the core of your soul purpose and mission. Instead of being lost in addictions and trying to escape reality, in this life you will be guided to face everything head on.
Number 9
In previous lifetimes you viewed the world as a hateful place that was full of disharmony, distrust and greed. You were not able to see past the shadows of life and you found it difficult to stay positive about your life and the condition of the planet. This was perhaps largely due to the fact that you had a deep spiritual awakening that made life in the physical world feel empty. In this lifetime you have returned to find all the joys and pleasures on Earth and to find happiness in physical form. You have also returned to move your awareness away from the negative and to start making positive changes, either personally or through humanitarian work.
Number 11
In previous lifetimes you played by the rules, did what society expected of you and lived a fairly positive and comfortable life. But, what you failed to do is listen to the calling of your soul and to take the adventurous opportunities that were often presented to you. You allowed fear of the unknown to stop your soul from moving forward and to block you from experiencing a different side of life. In this lifetime you have returned to take more chances, make more bold decisions and to learn how to follow your intuition. Fear will no longer hold you back this time around and you will be able to relax and explore the many opportunities before you.
Number 22
In previous lifetimes you preferred to stay in the shadows and never really let on to the world your many talents or abilities. You shyed away from attention and preferred to downplay your skills and abilities. In this lifetime you have returned to finally take center stage. You have returned to show the world your talents and to take up a leadership role of some kind. You have been sent to step into your full power and potential in order to make your mark on the world. This time around, life may present to you many opportunities to step up and share with the world your highest self and truth. You are destined to leave a big impact on the world.

Friday, 20 January 2017


The day you were born says a lot about who you are and where you're going in this life. However, according to numerology, it can also say a lot about who you WERE, too. In Numerology, Pythagoras believed that every number vibrates energy. It is the vibrations of the important numbers in our together that dictate who we were, are and are going to become.
The numbers in your birth date reveal hidden clues to lessons missed in past lives. In numerology, it is believed that our souls are core, but our bodies reincarnate many times in order to further evolve. In each life, we learn new lessons, but we aren't perfect. Along the way, we make mistakes and abuse our natural gifts. Using your birthdate, we're able to identify whether your numerology chart contains one of four important Karmic Numbers. The numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19 are Karmic Debt Numbers, which indicate areas of your past live  that could still use some work. Understanding these past mistakes allows you to balance and heal the karma in your present life.


There are four Karmic Debt Numbers. Each of these numbers signifies a different area of abuse. To find your Karmic Number, there are three areas in your numerology chart to which to pay attention:


If you were born on the 13th, 14th, 16th or 19th, then this is your karmic number.


Your personality number signifies the energy that you project to the outside world, as well as how others are most likely to interpret it. This is not your true self, but an indicator of what you allow to be seen at the beginning of a relationship. There are multiple ways to find your personality number, however, we choose to focus on adding your day of birth to your birth month. For example:
If your birthday is May 5, then your personality number would be:
  • 5+5=10=1+0=1
If your personality number is found by one of the following ways, then this is your Karmic Debt Number:
  • 4 (13=1+3=4)
  • 5 (14=1+4=5)
  • 7 (16=1+6=7)
  • 1 (19=1+9=10=1+0=1)


Your life path number represents your true self. It is the unchanging you and signifies your core values. You can calculate this by adding all of the numbers in your birthday. For example:
If your birthday is April 4, 1955, then:
  • Day: 4
  • Month: April is the fourth month = 4
  • Year: 1955 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2
  • 4+4+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
Your life path number is 1. The same as the personality number, if the final calculations of your life path number are broken down using a Karmic number, then this is your karmic debt number.



People with a karmic debt number of 13 will need to focus their energy on hard work and may eventually find it difficult to stop working. This is retribution for a past life dominated by laziness and finding success in the hard work of others.
For people with the number 13, you must fight the temptation to take shortcuts. You will often feel frustrated and exasperated, as your hard work frequently leads to no visible signs of success. However, do not give up. Success is within your reach. While trying times may leave you feeling exhausted, perseverance will ultimately pay off.
An example to take comfort in: Thomas Edison. The hard working inventor had a personality number of 13. He is famously quoted as saying, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."


The Karmic Debt Number 14 abused a position of power or control in a past life. Because of this, those with this number in their numerology chart will have issues finding control in their current life. If you have Karmic Number 14, then you likely took or controlled the freedom of others and are now paying the price. Your life is filled with ever-changing circumstances beyond your control and they are often unexpected. You are obsessed with your own freedom to the point that you are at risk of surrendering it to life in the form of addiction.
In order to overcome this, you must focus your life on modesty and maintaining emotional awareness. You must stay committed to order in your own life, even when tempted with the option to run and escape. Your life will be filled with extreme highs and lows, but if you keep a goal in mind, it will always move in the right direction.
An example to take comfort in: Abraham Lincoln had both a personality number and life path number of 14. It's pretty safe to say he balanced his karmic debt when it comes to control and freedom. Thomas Jefferson was also a life path number 14. His ode to freedom shines in his founding words, "We believe that all men are create equal."


The Karmic Number 16 is about cleansing and can often be very painful. Those with this number allowed their ego and vanity to hurt others in a past life and will now see its destruction. This karmic debt number is particularly excruciating, as the fall of the ego generally comes after it has been severely inflated in the present life. If you have a karmic debt number of 16, then you most likely have grand plans for your life. However, when confronted with challenges or decisions, you find yourself making choices that are self-destructive.
The 16 is different from other karmic debt numbers, as it is not easily overcome. It involves a continuous cycle of rebirth. After collapse, you will learn the way of humility. You must recognize that power is meant to be shared and you are superior only to your former self.
An example to take comfort in: Mother Theresa's personality number was
  1. Her mission was to teach the power of love and acceptance, and while the world tends to focus on her later years, her early years were filled with lessons in humility -- especially when it came to the medical field.


For those with Karmic Number 19, you had great talent in your past life, which most likely led to a position of power. However, instead of using this gift to help others, you enriched and advanced only yourself. The number one symbolizes beginning, while the number nine symbolizes end. Your journey will be about the give and take that happens in the middle. In this life, you must learn how to be of service to others and also how to accept the support of others.
Those with this karmic debt number are often stubbornly independent and resist help in the face of struggle. However, no man is an island and you will lock yourself in a self-imposed prison of loneliness if not careful. To overcome this, you must learn to form deep connections with others and realize that ignorance is not bliss. You will be tempted to avoid emotions and memories that are painful or filled with regret. Don't. Reliance on others is key to facing your own inner turmoil.
An example to take comfort in: Elliott Ness was born on April 19, 1903. Most noted for his tireless law efforts during the prohibition, Ness led a team known as "The Untouchables" to combat organized crime, trafficking, and the government's own internal corruption. Ness held a position of power and with the support of his team, dedicated his life to justice. 

Thursday, 19 January 2017

The five numbers that have the biggest impact on your life

There are five building blocks or "core numbers" that make up the Numerology of you: your Life Path number, your Expression number, your Personality number, your Heart's Desire number and your Birth Day number. Each one is based off of your personal birth name and/or birth date and has its own deep-rooted impact on the person you are today. Here we break down the meaning of these core numbers for a better understanding as you prepare to make your own Numerology calculations.

The Life Path number is the single most important number in your Numerology chart, because it acts as a blueprint outlining how your life will play out. Opportunities and challenges faced along the way are heavily influenced by the Life Path ... as is your general character and course of action as you embark on life's journey.

Your Life Path number is based off of the numbers in your full birth date. It encaptures your entire being and will never change, and for those reasons, it's very special.

While your Life Path number plots your life's lessons and how you handle them, your Expression number is all about your natural strengths and weaknesses given to you at your time of birth. Often referred to as the Destiny number, as it aims for your goal in life, this number is the foundation on which your Life Path can flourish.

Your Expression number is based off of the numbers that correspond to the letters in your full name, and it reveals the talents and abilities instilled in you at birth.

Your Personality number is the first impression people get of you. It represents the parts of yourself that you are most ready and willing to reveal, and helps you determine just how much you reveal, and to whom. This number acts as a buffer, screening out some people and situations you don't want to deal with while welcoming the things in life that relate to your inner nature.
Your Personality number is derived from only the consonants in your name.

What are the reasons behind your actions? What do you really want in life and love? This is where your Heart's Desire comes in to play, and it signifies the reasons behind the choices you make in all aspects of your life, from your career to your relationships -- the burning fire within.

Your Heart's Desire number comes from just the vowels in your name -- those soft sounds shed light on the inner workings of your more subconscious desires.

Your Birth Day number is just that -- the day on which you were born -- and it reveals a certain talent that will eventually find its place on your Life Path.
While it's the most insignificant of the core numbers, the Birth Day number puts a timestamp on the person you are today according to one single aspect that will ultimately impact your life in a big way. Just as you were destined to be born on this specific day, you have been given a certain special gift as a result.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

The most important number in your Numerology chart

The most important number in your Numerology chart is your Life Path number, based on the date of your birth. Your Life Path number reveals a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges and lessons you will encounter during this lifetime.

How to find your Life Path number


First, reduce each unit of your birth date (month/day/year) to a single-digit number or a Master number (Master numbers are 11, 22 and 33). Next, add each of the resulting digits (or Master numbers) together and reduce the total again to a single digit, or a Master number.
For example, if you were born on October 12, 1936, you would calculate your Life Path as follows:
Month: October is the 10th month of the year. 10 reduces to 1 (1 + 0 = 1).
Day: The date of birth is 12. 12 reduces to 3 (1 + 2 = 3).
Year: The year of birth is 1936. 1936 reduces to 1 (1 + 9 + 3 + 6 = 19, then 1 + 9 = 10 and finally 1 + 0 = 1).
Now add the resulting single-digit numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5.
The Life Path number in this case is 5. 

This the only correct way to calculate your Life Path

There are other methods for calculating your Life Path number, all of which will arrive at the same single-digit result, yet the method used here is the only one that is correct. The other methods follow the wrong "path" of calculation, arbitrarily adding up the numbers that appear in the birth date, which can result in a Master number where none truly exists, or miss a Master number that should have actually been included.
The reason the method mentioned here is the only correct method is because it is the only one that acknowledges the Life Path as a cycle, one that runs from birth to death and interacts with the other numerological cycles of your life.
Your Period cycles are three long-term cycles that each cover about a third of your life. The First Period cycle is based on the reduced number of your month of birth, the Second Period comes from your reduced day of birth and the Third Period comes from your reduced year of birth. Therefore, your all-encompassing Life Path number is not a matter of simply adding up the numbers that appear in your birth date, but is actually derived from the numbers that make up your three Period cycles.
Think of it this way: Those who blindly add numbers randomly without understanding the integrated nature of the whole are like spiders who have lost touch with the brilliant architecture of their webs, and are now just stringing lines here and there randomly, creating only chaos and confusion.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Hi Everyone, 

Here are some of my observations and readings based on Tarot, Numerology, & Astrology for the year ahead…


In 2016, which was a 9 year (2+0+1+6=9), we experienced a process of purification and completion.

9 in Chaldean numerology links to the red planet Mars, which is a planet of drive and destruction.

And 2016 was the year of the Fire Monkey.
Due to those influences, it was a fire-filled year.
2017 is also a fiery year. It is a 1 year (2+0+1+7=10/1+0=1), and 1 in Chaldean numerology links to the Sun, which is a big ball of fire, essentially!
This will also be the year of the Fire Rooster.
Fire is transformative. It is creative as well as destructive. And so in these two years these are some of the themes we are experiencing.


Since 2017 is a 10 year, and 0 is an amplifying number, the influence of 1 is magnified. 1 is the beginning of a whole new 9 year cycle. And since we have the influence of the Sun and the Rooster, which heralds in the dawn, this also amplifies the energies of beginnings for all of us.
In Tarot, the 10th Major Arcana card is The Wheel of Fortune. This indicates the “turning of the wheel”, and indeed, fortune. This card is also linked to Jupiter, the planet of fortune, growth and expansion.

Jupiter and the Sun are both benevolent “planets”. Our new cycle has the blessings of these forces – but there are challenges ahead as well, since we are in a transitional time, and a time of transformation. With any changes there tend to be challenges. But be assured that we also have some beneficent influences on our side as well!


In this New Year reading for the collective I used the “Opening of the Key” spread, which essentially involves the whole deck.
But the main cards were:

·         Judgment
·         Strength
·         2 of Cups/Love
·         2 of Pentacles/Harmonious Change

And here are the messages that came through…

The keywords for the year are: Balance. Courage. Heart- Center. Love.

Balance is not found on stable ground. It is actually found when the ground is unstable and breaking. Since this is a time of change, we may find ourselves struggling to find our footing.
Be courageous. Be in your heart. Be in love. That will be your anchor.

As mentioned before, there is a benevolent energy influencing the year ahead, but also challenges. Some of us may even feel at times like we are under a pressure cooker.

Again, be in your heart and be courageous.

And by courageous, I mean being having the warrior’s heart and spirit of endurance. That will balance and center you.

We are awakening. We are awakening to the lies, deceptions and illusions that we have been told by others, and the ones that we have told ourselves.

Some may feel resistant to changing old ways, but it is important that you let go of old ways that no longer serve you. Let go of the illusions. Because if you don’t, things will unnecessarily be so much harder for you.

Some of us may want to rush ahead. But it is better to plan and dream before taking steps.
And some of us may be quite serious. But try to have a sense of play and adventure. Follow your passions this year!



And finally, here is a Tarot reading for some guidance on our first month of the year!

·         10 of Pentacles/Wealth
·         The Devil (reversed)
·         Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

The 10 of Pentacles signifies the transitional point we are in. We have manifested things in our lives for the last 9 years. Now we can analyse what we value, and see if our values have changed. From there, we can decide what to filter out and what to keep on with as we move forward into our new cycle.

The Devil reversed shows that this is a month to focus on getting unstuck and releasing ways that have restricted us. The roots of our limitations may be very deep.
Shadow work and hidden levels of our consciousness are also strongly indicated as parts to explore at this time.

The Knight of Pentacles signifies starting the first steps and putting the leg work in for our aims- however, since it is reversed, it is facing backwards. This indicates that before taking your first steps, evaluate.

Look to the first two cards and their messages before moving forward. We have time. Use it to make proper decisions. There is no need to rush.
Thank you for reading, and I am wishing you all blessed new beginnings!